By-Zone Elections 

Historically the Healthy Petaluma District (Healthy Petaluma) Board of Directors has been elected under an at-large election system, where directors are elected by voters of the entire District. 

On October 19, 2022, the Board adopted Resolution# 6-22 signaling its intent to adopt by-zone elections. In a by-zone election system, each director must reside within the designated zone boundary and is elected only by the voters in that zone. Healthy Petaluma followed the extensive public hearing process provided for in the California Elections Code 10010 and has dedicated this webpage to inform our public regarding the process.

The first of five Public Hearings was held September 6, 2023.  The fifth Public Hearing was on November 15, 2023. 

These five Hearings were held during Healthy Petaluma’s Regular Board meetings at 1425 N. McDowell Blvd Suite 100. At these Hearings, the Board: 1) received a report from staff on the redistricting process and permissible criteria to be considered to redraw Director election zone boundaries; and 2) conducted Public Hearings to receive public input on communities of interest and potential district boundaries. During the third and fourth hearings, the Board reviewed two draft District maps for consideration. The proposed maps can be found here - Orange and Green.

On November 15, 2023, at the conclusion of the fifth public hearing, the Board voted to adopt the Orange map as the new District map. This new District map is filed with the County Clerk for implementation at the next general election in 2024.