Our Foundation
The Healthy Petaluma Foundation was created by the district as a way to enable our community partners to apply for large cross-sector grants that they wouldn’t be able to pursue on their own. This allows Healthy Petaluma and our partners to leverage money by bringing outside funding sources into our community to further our shared mission to make southern Sonoma County a healthier place for everyone.
The foundation manages our grant program and provides opportunities to local nonprofits and organizations doing work to improve the health and wellness of our community. This brings more money into our community to further our shared mission to make southern Sonoma County a healthier place for everyone.
The Healthy Petaluma Foundation supports and complements the district’s strategic plan and community health priorities.

“The partnerships in Petaluma are a testament to the vitality and community spirit of southern Sonoma County."
- Senator Bill Dodd, CA State Senator
Mike and daughter, Elena - Petaluma residents
“The partnerships in Petaluma are a testament to the vitality and community spirit of southern Sonoma County."
- Senator Bill Dodd, CA State Senator
Mike and daughter, Elena - Petaluma residents
501c3 Information
Healthy Petaluma is dedicated to fostering a healthy community and equitable access to health and wellness services for all. As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, donations to Healthy Petaluma are tax-exempt, and Healthy Petaluma complies with all 501(c)(3) rules and regulations. Transparency to our community is important to us. You can view information and forms with the details of our 501(c)(3) status and all associated financial reports here.
As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, Healthy Petaluma has bylaws that lay out the election process for our board of directors, board meeting procedures, the roles of our employees, and other information about our operations. We believe that the community should be informed about how we operate and encourage you to view the Healthy Petaluma bylaws below.
Under the direction of the Healthy Petaluma Foundation, our annual grant-solicitation process invites community partners improving the health and wellness needs of southern Sonoma County to apply for financial support in partnership with Healthy Petaluma.